Thursday, July 30, 2009

is it wrong to think about revolution?
to consider radical change a possibility?
i wonder about the movements of the 60s: antiwar, women's rights, black's rights, etc and think about how far we've come
the world is more pc and more desensitized
unjust wars are explained away and ignored
we let the market dictate our lives
the gap between rich and poor grows
globalization erodes foreign cultures
but money cures all
sure there are winners and losers but where does humanity fit in?
what do we deserve?
what have we earned?
do i deserve to be middle class america?
to be placed into an economic engine and reap its rewards?
we are not equal
we are a privileged few
we the powerful
we the wealthy
we the educated
we the consumers
the comfortable
and the slothful
change is not politics
change is not an ideal
change is serving those around you
and in turn others serving you
make the first move

Saturday, May 23, 2009

profound thought of the day

does the brief time men spend as an embryo developing as a female (as evidence by our nipples) qualify us to comment on women's issues more so than women can comment on issues faced by men?

depending on our mothers' level of exercise, we may very well have traveled a mile as a female.

Friday, April 17, 2009

when i'm a grown up i.e. my plans starting in july

get into the same city as my lady
get a dog
get netflix
be a big brother
find a baseball league for disabled youth to volunteer with
play in a soccer league
buy an old house and rehab it with the help of my friends
try yoga

oh and get a job.

also i'm open to suggestions/will add to this list as i see fit.

get a dog... from a shelter
get lasik
learn spanish

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

sibling chats

me: nalgenes cause cancer

Susie: was sufjan a separate thought?

me: yep, i have trendy music tourettes

Susie: im still on copeland. . .

me: it's a sensitive subject, and would appreciate it if you didn't bring it up

Susie: i've never heard of your disease before

me: its actually called scene tourettes, it's more common in brooklyn, la, and nashville

Susie: is it on wikipedia

me: you tell me

Susie: this disease does not exist on the internet

me: like i said it's a sensitive subject

Susie: apparently

me: you probably didn't hear much about HIV in the early 80s, did you?
death from above

Susie: oi vey

Susie: norma jean. i'm obviously tougher than you.

me:circa survive

fleet foxes

me: true theyre way hip
i'm actually hip like 4 years ago
not now

Susie: you're out of fashion

me: which is why my case of scene tourettes is so severe

Susie: interesting

me: yeah actually theres going to be a write up about it in the american journal of medicine in a few months
we're waiting to hear if we made the cover

what would the cover look like?

well we'll cross that bridge when we get there but it'll prolly be me surrounded by albums (vinyl is hip again) with band names scratched into the walls around me

Susie: um. saves the day.
um. have you ever seen the american journal of medicine?

yeah i've got a subscription to japa, they're thinking about a relaunch to try to increase readership
but it's kind of on the downlow

Susie: so you're going to be the new face of american medicine

like i said i don't know if we're going to get it yet
e famm


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Microsoft hates cities

Microsoft Word tells me that things can be drivable but not walkable.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I'm reading The Option of Urbanism right now, it's for class but I'm happy I'm reading it. It brought up a really interesting point:

For 5500 years cities were built as walkable, dense, urban areas. We've only lived in a car focused suburban culture since WWII.

So while we consider this to be the norm, we're really just testing the waters. Some of it is positive, some of it is negative, and a lot of the real evaluation is just now being able to be done. I think that's a good perspective to keep. What worked for 50 years isn't really a good sample size and probably isn't a good long term indicator of a successful development type, especially with the growth driven by subsidies and favorable policies.

The suburbs aren't bad, I just think urban areas probably get a worse name than they deserve, after all they worked pretty well for 5500 years.

p.s. - If you're curious about the title of this post I'd be happy to explain

Thursday, February 5, 2009

life plans take 1

i want to graduate, get a dog and wander through the deep south helping people and learning the delta blues

i'm pretty sure this is feasible

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

! Ice Storm

Wednesday's Weather: ! Ice Storm