Thursday, July 30, 2009

is it wrong to think about revolution?
to consider radical change a possibility?
i wonder about the movements of the 60s: antiwar, women's rights, black's rights, etc and think about how far we've come
the world is more pc and more desensitized
unjust wars are explained away and ignored
we let the market dictate our lives
the gap between rich and poor grows
globalization erodes foreign cultures
but money cures all
sure there are winners and losers but where does humanity fit in?
what do we deserve?
what have we earned?
do i deserve to be middle class america?
to be placed into an economic engine and reap its rewards?
we are not equal
we are a privileged few
we the powerful
we the wealthy
we the educated
we the consumers
the comfortable
and the slothful
change is not politics
change is not an ideal
change is serving those around you
and in turn others serving you
make the first move

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