Friday, July 23, 2010

Cincinnati Summer Movies

People seemed to enjoy my New York Summer Movie guide and I realized Cincinnati needs one too. So sorry if I've missed half the summer but here's what I've found:

May 7- Underdog- Fairfield Village Green Park
May 28- Where the Wild Things Are- Cottell Park
June 4- The Princess and the Frog- Harrison Community Center
June 4- Flushed Away- Fairfield Village Green Park
June 4- The Blind Side- Colerain Park Amphitheater
June 5- Night at the Museum, X-Men Origins: Wolverine- Fountain Square
June 11- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs- Landen-Deerfield Park
June 11- Monsters vs Aliens- Colerain Park Amphitheater
June 12- 9, I Am Legend- Fountain Square
June 18- Ponyo- Harrison Community Center
June 19- Astroboy, Steamboy- Fountain Square
June 24- Charade- Mt. Adam's Seasongood Pavilion
June 25- Astroboy- Cottell Park
June 25- Planet 51- Colerain Park Amphitheater
June 26- Open Season, Sherlock Holmes- Fountain Square
July 2- The Tooth Fairy- Harrison Community Center
July 2- Madagascar- Fairfield Village Green Park
July 2- This is it- Colerain Park Amphitheater
July 3- Fly Me to the Moon, Apollo 13- Fountain Square
July 4- Where the Wild Things Are- Colerain Park Amphitheater
July 9- Curious George 2- Landen-Deerfield Park
July 9- Where the Wild Things Are- Colerain Park Amphitheater
July 10- Fantastic Mr. Fox, Bend it Like Beckham- Fountain Square
July 16- Where the Wild Things Are- Harrison Community Center
July 16- My Girl Friday- Colerain Park Amphitheater
July 17- Monsters vs. Aliens, Star Trek- Fountain Square
July 22- American Graffiti- Mt. Adam's Seasongood Pavilion
July 23- Monsters vs. Aliens- Cottell Park
July 23- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs- Colerain Park Amphitheater
July 24- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Where the Wild Things Are-Fountain Square
July 30- Alice in Wonderland- Harrison Community Center
July 31- Over the Hedge, King Kong- Fountain Square
August 6- Avatar- Harrison Community Center
August 6- Shark Tale- Fairfield Village Green Park
August 6- Charlotte's Web- Cottell Park
August 7- Charlotte's Web, Much Ado About Nothing- Fountain Square
August 13- Wait Until Dark- Mt. Adam's Seasongood Pavilion
August 13- How to Train Dragon- Colerain Park Amphitheater
August 14- Fly Me to the Moon 3D, Terminator Salvation- Fountain Square
August 20- Planet 51- Landen-Deerfield Park
August 21- Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, The Blind Side- Fountain Square
August 27- Up- Colerain Park Amphitheater
August 28- Happy Feet, Footloose- Fountain Square
September 3- Enchanted- Fairfield Village Green Park
September 3- Shorts- Cottell Park
September 17- Happy Feet- Fleckstein Park
October 1- The Incredibles- Fairfield Village Green Park

Colerain, OH- Sizzling Summer Entertainment in Colerain. 4725 Springdale Rd. Cincinnati, OH.
Deerfield Twp, OH- Fridays at Dark in various parks around the community. Cottell Park, Landen-Deerfield Park, Fleckstein Park.
Fairfield, OH- Family movies the first Friday of each month with premovie fun from the fire department. 301 Wessel Drive, Fairfield, OH
Fountain Square- Double features every Saturday on the big screen. 520 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH
Harrison, OH- Family movies ever other Friday at the community center. 300 George St, Harrison, OH
Mt. Adam's- Classic Movies at the Seasongood Pavilion with premovie concerts. 950 Eden Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH