Monday, February 23, 2009


I'm reading The Option of Urbanism right now, it's for class but I'm happy I'm reading it. It brought up a really interesting point:

For 5500 years cities were built as walkable, dense, urban areas. We've only lived in a car focused suburban culture since WWII.

So while we consider this to be the norm, we're really just testing the waters. Some of it is positive, some of it is negative, and a lot of the real evaluation is just now being able to be done. I think that's a good perspective to keep. What worked for 50 years isn't really a good sample size and probably isn't a good long term indicator of a successful development type, especially with the growth driven by subsidies and favorable policies.

The suburbs aren't bad, I just think urban areas probably get a worse name than they deserve, after all they worked pretty well for 5500 years.

p.s. - If you're curious about the title of this post I'd be happy to explain

Thursday, February 5, 2009

life plans take 1

i want to graduate, get a dog and wander through the deep south helping people and learning the delta blues

i'm pretty sure this is feasible